[Dixielandjazz] excerpts from BLUE NOTE

Bob Brodsky rfoxbro at aol.com
Tue Sep 7 13:12:25 PDT 2010

DJML Listers:

The "Blue Note" is the (Redondo Beach) South Bay New Orleans Jazz Club's monthly mailer. We are in the process of building a site so that you will be able to access it. In the meantime, I've cobbled up excerpts from the September '10 issue - just out.  I'm sorry about the quality, but it's the best I can do with my limited  PC skills.
In the meantime, don't forget to rush to Amazon.com/books to get your copy of my book, "The World in a Jug" - 'The Lore of New Orleans and Dixieland Jazz':   Bob b

The Cover of "Blue Note"  has this basic information:

Sept 12 - Gene Marklevitz- Coyote Hills
Oct 10 - Alan Shelton's Royal Garden
Nov 15 Bill Key's  "The Keysters"
    Meets 2nd Sunday Monthly  1:00 - 5:00
     Knights of Columbus Hall- 310 397 6616
     214 Avenue 'I'
     Redondo Beach

from the PRESIDENT:

Make ‘em Aware
There has been many articles written concerning the lack of young people playing Dixieland jazz (OKOM). There is even a shortageof that same group who attend festivals and concerts.If our kind of music is tosurvive, we all need to be ambassadors and make theyounger generation aware of the music.
In past articles, I have mentioned “Bring a Friend.”Not only bring an adult, but bring a teenager or older to make them aware of thetraditional jazz.  Unfortunately, this music is not heard by youngpeople. Also mention our  sessions to your swing dancer friends.There is a strong movement to swing dancing these days. These dancers would love our kind of music. The Jazz  club is a greatvenue for music and dancing.
Besidesbeing an ambassador for the  music, keep your ears andeyes peeled for young talent.Last year I wrote about “passing the torch” and about the  scholarships that  SBNOJC have given tostudents interested in perpetuating trad jazz. We wantto continue this practice. If you know a person that might fit our scholarship requirements make sure you contactone of the Boardof Directors or email me at goldperson51 at yahoo.com.
We  are always  on  the lookout for worthy students  that are interested inDixieland Jazz.
Let’s keep jazz alive.
Paul Goldman –President SBNOJCgoldperson51 at yahoo.com

No strangerto SBNOJC, The Coyote “Pack” has given us many prior feature appearances over the years. This talented bunchalways delivered a good and entertaining menu of traditional musicforour audience. It is easy to understand why they are a favoriteof the many group for which they perform.You will enjoy this group.

Ray Siegele, leader and banjoist stepped up to the call and managed tobring most of the well-known Revelation Jazz Band for our feature setinAugust. The band included: John Hockins - cornet,Dave Eberlein - tbn, Cary Marshall - drums, Jim Gordon - pno, Bob White - tuba , and Cory Gemme - clarinet. This fine group of musicians turned out one ofthebest performances of the year. They received many complimentsfromthe grateful members who were present. Our thanks to eachmember of this fine group for their fine performance

President                       Paul Goldman                   310 293 2910
& Blue Note Assist.    goldperson51 at yahoo.com
Vice President                Jerry Goodman               310 320 0009
Treasurer                       Anita Gold                       949 770 4690
Secretary                       Bob Brodsky                   310 937 1811


& Historian
rfoxbro at aol.com
Blue Note Editor
Pete Kier
310 397 6616
& Music Director      petekier at aol.com
Assist. Music Dir.          Earl      Newton
310 829      9789
General Consultant         Bob Allen
323 291 5686
Publicity & Promo         Bob White
310 376 2591
Raffle Tickets                Yvonne Mitchell
714 528 1534

Snack Table                                     Polly Goodmman             310 320 0009 

(Past President)   Larry Cosgrove            310 645 9361
Raffle Prizes                  Ann Norton                     310 831 3525



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