[Dixielandjazz] Sweet and Hot Festival

Harry Callaghan meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 17:22:24 PDT 2010

Sounds great, Lois but I would be afraid to drive through the state of
Arizona for fear of being stopped by law enforcement officials because I
look Irish.  (just kidding, of course)

It seems that ever since I became a big Rebecca Kilgore fan, Dan Barrett is
suddently popping up all over the place.

I'm sure you've read about Vince Giordano, who will be appearing in the new
HBO series (name escapes me for the moment) playing of all things, a

Well, last week I picked up a 1986 CD of Vince and his Nighthawks playing
arrangements of Bill Challis that he had written for the Jean Goldkette
Orchestra perhaps 50 years earlier.

Who should be among the 3 trombonists featured with Vince's augmented band
but Dan Barrett.  I guess they use augmented because his Nighthawks on this
particular recording were expanded to 14 versus the usual 11 that Vince is
accustomed to leading.

It turns out though that any trombone solos among the 14 or 15 excellent
selections contained are taken by Herb Gardner.  I suspect that this might
have been a little bit of favoritism on Vince's part as they are both east
coast musicians and for years Herb Gardner was trombone man with the Smith
Steet Society Jazz Band which Vince played drums  with back in the late 70s

But I also recently acquired 2 of Dan's albums on which Rebecca vocalizes on
about half of the selections.  Coincidentally, one of them features Jon
Eric-Kellso on trumpet.  Jon leads his own group, the Ear-Regulars at a
place I call the Van Gough Room (it's actually the Ear Inn) in NYC's West
Village Sunday nights and is also a part of the Nighthawks during their
steady gig Mondays and Tuesdays at Sofia's, within the Essex Hotel, located
midtown Manhattan.

OK, that's enough with the free plugs, Harry.

Have I asked you before if you're any relation to Shirley Feldman?



On 9/6/10, Lois Feldman <ab189 at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>   Did anyone in this group besides Dan Barrett and me attend the Sweet and
> Hot Festival at the LAX Marriott?  Dan played and I listened.
>   Sunday highlights:  Rebecca Kilgore Quartet plus 2, Tom Rigney, John
> Allred-Harry Allen-John Sherican-Jennifer Leitham-Jack LeCompte set, Bob
> Draga playing Louisiana Fairy Tale.
> Lurker Lois
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If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he
hears a different drummer.  Let him step to
the music which he hears, however measured or far away
   (The story of my life)
                           - Henry David Thoreau

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