[Dixielandjazz] Lasting vs Quality

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 14:28:52 PDT 2010

On 15 October 2010 20:52, eupher dude <eupher61 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Bob opined:
> When I started playing Dixieland, Trad Jazz or Classic Jazz, the "Roaring 20s" were only 28 years before. And gawd help me, The Beatles hits are actually 48 years old -- Who'd of thunk that music would have lasted 48 years?
> ===============================================
> Good music is good music.  People thought Beethoven was crap.  Then Berlioz.  Then Wagner.  Then Brahms.  Then Debussy.  Then Joplin.  Then Oliver.  Then Sinatra.  Then Presley.  Then The Beatles.  Then The Who.  Then Led Zepplin, Hendrix, Joplin.  Then Disco (well...). etc etc etc
> If it's good, it'll last despite closed minds.

Whatever you say.  However, traditional jazz and swing have withstood
the test of time.  I was born when BG's kingdom, if it had not yet
started crumbling, was not far from it.  Original Dixieland Jazz Band?
  It issued its first records when my Dad was 6!

So, I (and my generation) am the test of time.  And I am usually the
oldest member attending our jazz evenings.

As to the Beatles, the question is WHO listens to their music
nowadays.  Is there a young generation of listeners, or is it the
people who grew up with them?

As far as I know, the only R'n'R star who may be said to have
withstood the test of time is Elvis Presley (I am NOT among his fans,
although I am the right generation for it).  Many years ago, before
the advent of the CD, while browsing through jazz records, I heard
girls younger than my daughter discussing their Elvis Presley

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