[Dixielandjazz] Sinatra - was cassette decks

Harry Callaghan meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 10:36:31 PDT 2010


Thanx for the tip but I don't do satellite........mattafact, I barely even
do radio.

In doing so, I would feel that I'm being unfaithful to the ridiculously
large amount of recordings I have in all formats.

As to Frank, while I haven't bothered to count, LPS, cassettes & CDs
combined, we're probably talking in the neighborhood of about 150, plus
numerous 45s & 78s.

I even managed to pick up the "High Hopes" campaign song for JFK in a
Washington souvenir.shop  It was on Palm Sunday 1964 when we drove down to
DC to visit the Arlington gravesite..

I think it cost me maybe a buck but I imagine it is worth considerably more

However, if you've got a stray redhead with green eyes, about 5' 7" and 128
lbs, feel free to send her my way...............and, so I know she's coming
from Philly, you can tell her that the password is "Liberty Belle"

Incidentally, one of my favorite Sinatra numbers is "All I Need is the Girl"
which he did on the "Francis A & Edward K" album..  I first heard it
performed by Mickey Rooney on one of the old Timex shows, not knowing at the
time that it was from "Gypsy"


On 7/13/10, Stephen G Barbone <barbonestreet at earthlink.net> wrote:
>  Harry Callaghan <meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com> wrote (polite snip)
>> Pat: (Ladd)
>> Speaking of in-car entertertainment, I was telling my daughter recently
>> (who wasn't born at the time) that in the late 50s I could be out driving
>> with a date and say to her.
>> "I think it's time for a little Sinatra"
>> I would then push the button on my AM radio that took me to the lowest end
>> of the dial and slowly turn the dial to the right.
>> Back in those days, the odds were actually in my favor of coming across a
>> Sinatra record before getting to the other end of the dial.
> Harry, to hear Sinatra 24/7, channel 75 on Sirius Satellite XM radio is
> devoted to him and American Standards. No commercial interruptions. If you
> subscribe, all you need  now is a date. <grin>
> Cheers,
> Steve Barbone
> www.myspace.com/barbonestreetjazzband
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of himself, undisturbed by the facts

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