[Dixielandjazz] Development of Stage Presence

pj.ladd pj.ladd at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 10 05:36:32 PST 2010

 exciting Jazz Workshop that demonstrates ensemble
work utilizing the *“E” Factor – how to Excite, Energize, and Engage your
audience*. >>

Oh Dear!,

I am going to be in trouble again. I can feel it in my bones.

This is exactly the sort of thing which I was against in my posts about the 
girl singer. Schools to teach you how to behave on stage, particularly when 
introduced with all the buzz words straight from the advertising world. 
Yuck!. Excite, Energise, and Engage. These exhortations always come in 
threes.. I don`t know why but it is a fact.
You can just see teacher, or more probably the `mentor` turning over the 
sheets of `Exciting` words on a Flip board. The graphs, the formulae. The 
proof that in an audience of 150  you will find that 30% are influenced more 
by what they see than what they hear. 12% are in the wrong class, 10% are 
tone deaf. Therefore ...etc. etc...You should explode fireworks  and have 
clowns doing handstands to `Engage` with the audience..
The world is full of these so called `experts` who make a handsome living 
`exposing the secrets` which enable YOU to succeed. Give me strength!

I think maybe it is just me. We have a similar programme in Rotary. Members 
of the Club give lessons to school leavers on `How to act at a job 
I have always voted against it but I am a lone voice. I hold that if someone 
is so thick they don`t clean their shoes or put on some decent clothes when 
they go for a job interview without being told to do so by some `guru` I 
want to know. Not have the fact hidden behind some `learned `response.. 
Telling them to clean their shoes is like giving them the answers in an 

Now I`ve done it.

 Apres moi le deluge!


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