[Dixielandjazz] Edmond Hall

Bill Haesler bhaesler at bigpond.net.au
Fri May 1 21:50:00 PDT 2009

Marek Boym wrote [in part]:
> Edmond Hall certainly was under-recorded; yes, there are quite a few
> records around, but some much lesser musicians have recorded much
> more.

Dear friend Marek,
I have to disagree you.
A rare event.
Not about the always wonderful playing of Ed Hall, but the statement  
that he was "under-recorded'.
Not so.
I have a discographal listing that cites 260 record dates for ED Hall  
from his first with the Ross Deluxe Syncopators in August 1927 to the  
last (under his own name) for Jazzology in February 1967, a week prior  
to his untimely death at 66 while clearing snow from outside his home   
in Boston.
At a conservative estimate of 6 tunes per session, that equals over  
1500 recorded performances.
Sorry about that. The debil made me do it, on a quiet Saturday  
afternoon here in Sydney, Australia.
Very kind regards,
Bill (ever the pedant).

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