[Dixielandjazz] Band Personna

James O'Briant jobriant at garlic.com
Fri Dec 4 00:37:04 PST 2009

Steve Barbone wrote:

> IMO, when playing to audiences of what ever 
> type, the band should try and reach the majority 
> of them. There will always be folks who say "you 
> are too serious" as well as others  who say "you 
> clown around to much" , or those who say "you are 
> too loud" while others say "I can "t hear you." 
> Etc., etc., etc.
> ... It is what appeals to "most" of the audience 
> that will carry the day and assure continued success.

Yes, unless we carry this to the extreme, which would mean we're
doing no more than catering to the "masses" and reducing our music
to its lowest common denominator. (I'm pretty sure that's not what
Steve meant to recommend.)

With the Zinfandel Stompers, we try to play a lot of familiar
favorites, but we also try to keep things interesting by playing a
few good yet obscure tunes, and by playing a lot of good verses
that other bands omit.

Jim O'Briant
Gilroy, CA

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