[Dixielandjazz] Complete E. Kovacs theme song.

Hal Vickery hvickery_80 at msn.com
Sat Apr 4 19:01:58 PDT 2009

And to reply to my own message, I found the origin:  http://www.erniekovacs.info/KovacsOnMusic.html<http://www.erniekovacs.info/KovacsOnMusic.html>

Hal Vickery
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hal Vickery<mailto:hvickery_80 at msn.com> 
  To: Hal Vickery<mailto:hvickery_80 at msn.com> 
  Cc: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List<mailto:dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com> 
  Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 8:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Complete E. Kovacs theme song.

  One section of that theme (the part immediately following the introduction, and which repeats itself a couple of times, the "diddly-oop-a-doo-da da diddly-oop-a doo-da da diddly-oop-a-doo-da da dum" part) is George Gershwin's "Rialto Ripples."  I've always been curious as to the origin of Kovacs' theme for that reason.

  Hal Vickery
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: M J (Mike) Logsdon<mailto:mjl at ix.netcom.com<mailto:mjl at ix.netcom.com>> 
    To: Hal Vickery<mailto:hvickery_80 at msn.com<mailto:hvickery_80 at msn.com>> 
    Cc: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List<mailto:dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com<mailto:dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>> 
    Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 5:41 PM
    Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Complete E. Kovacs theme song.

    I've been doing Ernie for 30+ years, and I've never heard the original, 
    complete, studio version of his theme song, Chinese Blues.  Here it is, 
    with no Jack Lemmon voice-over, no anything but IT.  Wild.


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