[Dixielandjazz] Leaving the list, and coming back, numberous times.

Mike mike at railroadstjazzwest.com
Tue Jan 1 20:27:00 PST 2008

I think to really answer the question on why people are leaving 
you have to look at the social trends of the internet and not 
the very small world of DJML.

The trend for the last 2 years or so has been social networking 
websites such as myspace, yahoo groups and others.

Email lists were very popular in the late 1980s through the 
early days of the world wide web in the 1990s.

While the reasons you mentioned are quite valid, I don't think 
they capture the whole scope of the issue.


Lowell Busching wrote:
> One of the current threads right now is, why the list is the size it is, 
> and why people leave.  Changing interests and priorities is of course 
> one of the reasons people leave and come back to the list, but I am on 
> the side of those who believe the fluctuations are due mainly to the 
> inability of many of the members, at one time or another to obey the 
> rules of mailing lists or newsgroups as accepted by most people.

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