[Dixielandjazz] "1941" (was PBS series "The War")

Bill Haesler bhaesler at bigpond.net.au
Tue Oct 2 15:26:03 PDT 2007

Dingo wrote:
> If you get chance to see the Spielberg film "1941" (it's often on 
> Freeview if you have that) it will sorta answer some of your questions 
> <vbg>. A very funny film IMO with - to keep it OT - one good big 
> band/dance sequence a'la "Sing, Sing, Sing". The soundtrack drummer 
> was, I believe, Louis Belson.

Spot on Dingo,
They named the tune "Swing, Swing, Swing (Google it for a sound clip).
In addition to Louis B, clarinetist Abe Most (mentioned on the list 
last week) is featured.
Kind regards,
Bill (who was still in Melbourne when 3 Japanese midget subs shelled 
Sydney from within our Harbour and almost sank the US warship 

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