[Dixielandjazz] Lu and Turk

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Thu May 31 21:42:20 PDT 2007

     One of the best performances that i've heard of "Big Bear Stomp" 
was done by Richards' Two-Beat Bombers at Sacramento on Saturday 
morning.  It was the first tune they played, and it set the tone for 
the entire morning (worth the price of the trip: that band then Buck 
Creek then Climax JB).  Absolutely, positively, the way they played 
it made you want to dance (or at least move a non-X-rated body part 
in time).  And, as Lu used to demonstrate, if what they played didn't 
make you want to dance, then they were doing it wrong.
     This brings to mind a question, but i really don't care if 
there's an answer to it or not.  What i want are others' opinions. 
What would you say is the difference, on the same tune, betweeen Lu 
Watters band and Turk Murphy's band?  I kind of want to say that the 
Watters band played music that made you want to dance more, but 
Turk's band played music that explored other interesting areas, such 
as different chord-progressions (a lot of which were tunes Turk 
himself wrote), interesting lyrics, and historical songs (like the 
wonderful version of "Gettysburg March" on the _Music for Losers_ LP 
that i think is the best recording he made).
     What think ye?

     Dan (back from playing in the Wurst Band after flying in from 
Sacramento after two hours' sleep)
**  Dan Augustine  --  Austin, Texas  --  ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
**      "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk.  That will
**       teach you to keep your mouth shut."  --  Ernest Hemingway

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