[Dixielandjazz] So many musicians, so little time

eupher dude eupher61 at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 30 11:17:23 PDT 2007


It's actually quite simple, Jim.   12/8 is basically a waltz.  Can your son 
hear the difference between  "The Tennessee Waltz" and "Hound Dog"?   (why 
those tunes, I dunno....)

12/8 is the same as 4/4 with a triple subdivision, instead of duple.  123 
223 323 423 instead of 12 22 32 42        6/8 is 2/4 with a triple

A pie chart can help.  The whole bar is one pie.  Cut it into 3 pieces, it's 
a waltz.  4 pieces, a foxtrot (or whatever)  Then, subdivide it into duples 
or triples.

If that doesn't start making sense, see the quote of Armstrong...


PS   5/4 is just one MORE beat in the bar than 4/4   5 beats in the bar, 
quarter note is one beat.   Time signatures are relatively easy to decipher, 
if you forgt about "quarter note is one beat".      In 6/8 time, or 12/8 or 
9/8 or 7/8 or 5/8 or 1/8 or 3/8 or 11/8 or 2/8, the EIGHTH note gets the 
beat.  And yes, there is such a thing as 3/16, 5/32, and 9/64.   The 
question should be 'WHY', since that's getting a bit ridiculous.
Secondary question comes up:  Why 6/8 instead of two bars of 3/4?  The feel 
is a little different, and it's a lot easier to read.

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