[Dixielandjazz] Dance music/weddings

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Mon Jun 18 10:06:30 PDT 2007

Rick wrote:
>We did a wedding where the groom was a George Lewis fan who insisted we
play only trad jazz.......

We have had similar requests in the past, but don't do that anymore.  The
idea was great, the bride & groom (or one of them) loves jazz.  That might
work in the U.S., but not in Spain.  The grandmother is for sure not going
to be a jazz fan, nor will many of the guests.  After a few jazz tunes they
will be asking for Sevillanas, Pasadobles, etc., which are the common
wedding fare.

We should educate them?  No!  Not the time or place.  Besides, the above
music is "their" tradition.  We can play it, but why should we, if there are
bands that do that as their specialty. Our band is made up of 4 Madrilenyos
& one Californian.  I've had 3 years of steady playing in the bullfights
back in the '60's, and can pull all of that off quite well.  Nevertheless,
we prefer to sell ourselves as a Jazz Band, and be something a little

What we do do is sell them on the idea of the band playing for the cocktails
as the guest arrive from the church.  There is always a lull of about an
hour & a half between church & the sit down dinner here.  Perfect time &
place for jazz!  Our striped vests (horrors!)  :>  make a colorful setting,
and we've even had the help say things like "this is just like in the

This little plan has worked out very well for us...to the point that we are
the number one band on the list for an out of town wedding site that sits
amongst the ruins of an old monastery.  We're outa there by 9pm, instead of
playing from midnite (after dinner) until 4 or 5am!   :>


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