[Dixielandjazz] Dixielandjazz Digest, Vol 49, Issue 66

bdendle at winfirst.com bdendle at winfirst.com
Tue Jan 23 15:07:06 PST 2007

Well, now you've done it. I've been quietly lurking, watching the endless discussions of various long-standing topics, and avoiding comment. Now I read that "we have spent decades
here trying to put the Banjo on the endangered species list, but
somebody keeps making another one and some bloke learns how to play it."  Do I have to repost my comments from 1997 about disparaging the banjo? The banjo is a musical instrument, on which one can play musically if one chooses to. If one wishes to  beat the crap out of it, for whatever reason, one may do so, and you may object, as would I. But why do you always go to disparaging the instrument itself? If you hear a crappy trumpet player do you raise a cry to ban the trumpet? Have you ever heard Eddie Erickson play? Are you aware of Doug Mattocks or Buddy Wachter? If they're not musicians, and JAZZ musicians, then I don't know what to call them. 

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