[Dixielandjazz] FW: FW: RedGorilla Music Fest seeks bands - AustinTX

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Thu Jan 18 00:30:42 PST 2007

Tom wrote, in response to whether paying to play a gig where you will be
seen is a good idea or not, & that in this case (the Texan affair) it
warranted the effort for the good exposure.

My comment about playing free-bees reverts back to a particularly nasty wave
of messages on DJML a few years ago, after Kaye (in Hollywood) said she was
doing a lunchtime gig for tips.  Oh, my, did she get bashed!  However, Kaye
is an L.A. based stuntwoman, and her gig was at a lunch place where the
movie people go.  So, she was exposing herself to two types of possible
employers:  movie & music people.  No one mentioned that at the time,
though, as being a good thing, as is now being proposed right here on the
same forum. That was the reason for my post....the sudden (or belated)
change of opinion. 

Tom continued:
Again I respectfully and enviously reiterate that you and your great band
live and operate in a different world, albeit a good one.

Thanks so much for the kind words...honest!  However, we still need our name
out there, and do have our "lean" periods of the year.  But, I won't play
for free, and sure won't pay someone so I can play. It's just plain "being


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