[Dixielandjazz] Guckenheimer Sour Kraut Band (spoof band)

Don Ingle dingle at nomadinter.net
Thu Jan 4 14:54:02 PST 2007

Artwoo at aol.com wrote:
> Other than Spike Jones, the best spoof band in my memory was the  
> Guckenheimer Sour Kraut Band.
> _http://www.spaceagepop.com/guck.htm_ (http://www.spaceagepop.com/guck.htm) 
> I recall one concert given at SF State over 40 yrs ago. It started  with a 
> bare stage and the muffled sound of out of tune warm ups, clarinet  squeaks, 
> trombone farts, crashing cymbals and musical chaos.
> Then the hydraulic stage lifted up a group of pompous omm pahs. One  
> memorable character was the famous Grin and Bear it cartoonist George Lichty who  
> proudly wore his "Hero" badge. The leader was Richard Gump owner of Gump's dept  
> store. One of the trpt players was Darcy McDonnel, who was a puppeteer and  
> cartoonist as well. My friend Driver Lindsay was the euphonium player. Paul  
> Faria, clarinet, manager of Gump's was the manager of the band as  well.
> Of interest to me were the 2 trumpet players who were totally unprepared  and 
> caught oiling their valves (using the old tried and true spit  method) as the 
> conductor Gump raised his baton.
> When asked to provide a Bb tuning note, the lead trpt took out his slide  and 
> played wonderfully sour Bb which of course everyone proceed to  emulate in 
> perfect unison.
> I had the chance to work with this band several times...once at the  posh 
> Lake Tahoe Heller estate, before it was given to the state  of Ca. What fun it 
> was. 
> Sincerely,
> Art Wood
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Even earleir than Spike were the Freddie "Schnicklefritz" band (I 
worked  a season in Aspen with him in '59-60) and the "Corn Cobblers. 
Interestingly enough, both bands had at one time one George Rock.
The Mal Britt Band was one that came out to play legit, then began to 
destroy the instruments and seemingly each other before they were through.
Mike Riley and his partner Farley has a wacko outfit -- later just 
Riley. I subbed with Riley in LA one night -- one only, thank you.They 
were playing a song called "With the Wind and the Rain in Your Face," 
and to my surprise the rain was a seltzer bottle drenching -- with me an 
unexpected recipient. Ruined a new wool serge suit that shrank badly. 
Mike, to his credit, made it good.
Riley wrote "The Music Goes Round and Round." but it tended to maul 
things as it did on his band.
Spike was visually more chaotic, but no one got hurt and every player 
knew what was coming and even helped design the gag.
Ah, the good old days...yeah...maybe!
Don Ingle

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