[Dixielandjazz] FW: List Policemen etc.

Ric Giorgi ricgiorgi at sympatico.ca
Mon Dec 31 05:33:35 PST 2007

Jim, I looked at my reply to you again and I didn't even quote you
so how could I have miss-quoted you?

Ric Giorgi

Ric Giorgi
Rainbow Gardens Music
820 Manning Ave
Toronto ON
M6G 2W8
416 531-4506
rgmusic at sympatico.ca
-----Original Message-----
From: dixielandjazz-bounces at ml.islandnet.com
[mailto:dixielandjazz-bounces at ml.islandnet.com] On Behalf Of James
Sent: December 30, 2007 10:59 PM
To: Ric Giorgi
Cc: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] FW: List Policemen etc.

Bob Ringwald wrote:

> I don't believe Jim O'Briant's e-mail to you was posted on 
> DJML.  It may have ended up in your DJML folder because it 
> might have had DJML still in the subject line, but I don't 
> remember seeing it on the list.  Perhaps Jim O'Briant can 
> clear up the mystery.

I thought I sent it to the list, but the list's extremely
default setting, that replies go only to the individual to whose
message one
replies, means that I may have sent it only to Ric.

If I did send it only to Rica, then why is he replying to it
publicly, and
misquoting me in the process?????????

Here is the message that I intended to send to the list:

Steve Barbone wrote:

> Until we know just why this list is more successful than other
> lists, it may be destructive to make assumptions.
> It is what it is and if the list gets boring, we may lose a lot
> that 50 or 75 members.

Ric Georgi replied:
> RIGHT ON STEVE! To quote your great American writer Walter
> "Where all think alike, no one thinks very much." 
> Please defend free speech ....

Ric and Steve keep throwing an "agreement vs. disagreement" red
herring into
this pot.

The issue here isn't whether many list subscribers disagree with
what Steve
says, it's whether many list subscribers are getting sick and tired
of Steve
reciting the same litany, day after day and week after week and
month after
month and year after year.  

Personally, I agree with much of what Steve says about promoting and
marketing OKOM.  But I'm sick to death of being told several hundred
that everyone else in the world -- including me -- is doing it
wrong, and if
I want "success" (whatever Steve's definition of "success" might
be), then I
have to pull my head out of the sand (or out of someplace else) and
do what
Steve says to do.

Those messages were interesting the first couple of times I read
them.  But
now, I open Barbone messages with trepidation:  Will this be an
and succinct comment or reply, or will it just be another "look at
me, I
know how to do this right, and the rest of you are lazy losers"
That isn't the message that Steve intends to send, I'm sure, but
that is
certainly the effect of his never-ending barrage.

I'm one of the many who has read the message, taken the content to
and doesn't need to be flogged with the same whip over and over

Jim O'Briant
Gilroy, CA
Tuba & Leader, The Zinfandel Stompers
Email: jobriant at garlic.com
Phone: 408-848-8097
E-Fax: 630-522-4822

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