[Dixielandjazz] I can't believe it's "I Can't Believe..."

Robert S. Ringwald robert at ringwald.com
Tue Dec 25 20:47:58 PST 2007

Dick Baker wrote:

> Would those of you so inclined point your browsers at
>         http://dickbaker.org/believe.mp3
> and listen to the tune there?
> It's played by Ray Skjelbred on a Stomp Off LP ("Gin Mill Blues, SOS 1097, 
> 1984); the drummer is Hal Smith.  The tune is identified as the old 
> standard "I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me" by Clarence Gaskill 
> & Jimmy McHugh.  My problem is that I just can't hear that familiar tune. 
> Either Skjelbred's much-slower-than-usual tempo and harmonic excursions 
> are throwing me off or something went weirdly wrong in the production 
> process.  I'm sure it's the former, but I'd like some confirmation.


The chord structure of the tune is certainly "I can't Believe That You're In 
Love With Me."  However, nowhere in the tune does Ray play anything 
approaching the melody of that song.

Usually if a Jazz musician improvises on the chord structure of a song and 
titles it by the song's title, he states the melody close enough to 
recognize  the song, somewhere in the tune -- Usually on the first and last 
chorus's.  However, in the case of this recording, nowhere in the tune does 
Ray get even close to the song as titled.

Often when a musician plays the chords to a song and then plays something 
else for the melody, he will re-title the song.  This is perfectly legit as 
there are many songs based on the same chord structure as other tunes.

It sounds to me like Ray was particularly inspired that night and just went 
off on a tangent, playing what he felt like.  He could have very easily 
re-titled the song and no one would have thought anything about it.

--bob ringwald 

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