[Dixielandjazz] Tom Fischer

Don Ingle dingle at nomadinter.net
Thu Aug 9 18:09:29 PDT 2007

If those who wondered why Tom Fischer was not at N.O., he is on the road
with Don Vapie's Creole Serenaders.
We caught the band at the Bix Fest, and they were going to Minnesota next.
Hey, great band  -- was the "surprise"  band for many. Real Creole
sound, good blend of two trpts., two reeds, and a great rhythm section
that can play with the "Spanish Twinge" and Carribean feel. The leader,
for those not knowing, is banjo and guitar player -- but that's
understatement to the enth! On banjo he is a virtuoso...so good that
people run towards him not away from him when the banjo comes out! His
guitar work is also great. Surpized no one mentioned him in Bix fest
posts. But the audience was fully enjoying it, and the musicos among
them were high on the band as well.
You've got to catch this band if they come your way.
Don Ingle

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