[Dixielandjazz] Free beer in Bude -- Not In USA

Bill Gunter jazzboard at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 29 09:10:09 PDT 2007

Hi Pat,

>I forget  in which Shakespeare play it occurs but somewhere around the line 
>" the pissing conduits will run with carrot wine" there is a line which 
>says(roughly)  "After the revolution the first thing we will do is hang the 
>lawyers "
>Seems the revolution is overdue.

Henry VI (Part 2) and it's "claret wine."  Also I think the line is " . . . 
let's kill all the lawyers . . ."

The sentiment is apt and those who heed
and act upon this course will soon be free
to speak and and act of their free will without
the fear of loss of job or even worse.

(Little iambic pentameter of my own to further the discourse.)

Respectively submitted,

Bill "Bard" Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com

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