[Dixielandjazz] Keys?
Bill Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 3 23:12:56 PDT 2006
Hi Dan and all,
You wrote (regarding "tone color"):
>In short, yes it's possible for some people to have coloristic
>and other kinds of impressions of different keys. I myself hear the
>key of Db Major as a very 'dark' key, but the key of D Major as a
>moderately 'bright' key . . .
Is it your feeling that you can distinguish between hearing a melody in Db
and a melody in D because the Db melody will sound 'darker' to your ears?
Suppose one were to play a happy bouncy melody in Db and a sad melancholy
song in D. Would the happy song sound 'darker' than the melancholy song?
When you say things like "dark" and "bright" to a person like me who has no
concept of what that means in terms of "tone color" there is bound to be
some confusion. I suppose one could say that a french horn has a "darker"
tone than a "bright" cornet. But I'd be at a loss to define what was
actually meant by these terms.
Here is what my dictionary say about "timbre":
1. the quality of a speech sound that comes from its tone rather than its
pitch or volume
2. the quality or color of tone of an instrument or voice. Also called tone
Now I interpret that to mean that different instruments tend to have
different tones (a sax, for example, compared to a piano) even when playing
the same pitch and volume.
I don't interpret it to mean that different KEYS have different tones. If I
hear a bright song in the key of x and it is suddenly transposed into the
key of y on the same instrument I'll notice a difference in pitch but I
won't hear a different "tone."
Your referal to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia was interesting but
not compellingly conclusive. For example, the cited text contains this
sentence: "To date, no research has demonstrated a consistent assocition
between synesthetic experience and other neurological or psychiatric
conditions . . . "
It also states that this phenomenon occurs in roughly a mere four percent of
the population - far from the norm. In fact, one may deduce that this is the
function of an aberrant brain.
But finally, I'm not saying the phenomenon doesn't exist, I'm merely saying
I can't experience it. That, of course, doesn't mean that nobody else can
either. Obviously there are those who feel they do and I would just like a
representative person from that group explain in terms I can comprehend what
is actually going on here.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill "tone deaf" Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com
>From: Dan Augustine <ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu>
>To: DJML <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
>Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Keys?
>Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 00:16:14 -0500
>Bill and DJML--
> The perception of different keys is complicated. 'Synesthesia'
>is the word commonly used to describe some persons' reactions to
>different keys (see 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia').
>Scriabin ascribed different colors to keys.
> In regard to playing in different keys in a band, you have to
>think of the fact that most wind-instruments don't play the same
>exact pitches in a scale. They certainly don't (and can't) play the
>equal temperment of a piano, but the F major scale on a trumpet
>(notated in the key of G) will contain intervals that are different
>from those of the E major scale on the same horn. Why? Because of
>the way instruments are built, for one, and because of the
>psychoacoustic realities of how humans hear, is another. Also,
>different combinations of valves depressed use different tubings on a
>trumpet, changing the tone-color of a note. A concert 'C' (an octave
>above middle 'C') on a trumpet (written 'D') can be played with the
>first valve depressed, but it's a little flat that way, so valves 1
>and 3 can be depressed to raise the pitch; however, doing so causes
>different tubing to be used, slightly changing the tone-color because
>different segments of the horn are vibrating.
> In short, yes it's possible for some people to have coloristic
>and other kinds of impressions of different keys. I myself hear the
>key of Db Major as a very 'dark' key, but the key of D Major as a
>moderately 'bright' key, but mostly when i'm actually playing the
> Dan
> >From: "Bill Gunter" <jazzboard at hotmail.com>
> >To: mike at railroadstjazzwest.com, dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
> >Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 00:49:24 +0000
> >Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Keys?
> >
> >Hello troops,
> >
> >Mike wrote (regarding keys):
> >
> >>I like the timbre of the sharp keys.
> >
> >I've heard of this notion before but I never have quite understood it.
> >
> >As I understand it, timbre (pronounced "TAM brughhh" or TOM brugghhh" or
> >maybe "TOM burr" of something in an unpronouncable French accent) has
> >nothing to do with the pitch or volume of a note, but rather it's "color"
> >tone quality.
> >
> >Are there those among you who can distinguish the difference in "tone
> >between, say, E and F? Does a piano solo played in the key of E (4
> >sound (color wise) different than the same piano solo played in F (1
> >
> >I'm not saying that such things as "tone color" don't exist. For example
> >can certainly tell the difference between an oboe playing A and a trumpet
> >playing A. That, to me, is what I would recognize as distinctive timbres.
> >But if I hear an oboe playing a tonic scale in E and then repeating the
> >thing in F . . . to tell you the truth I can hear no significant
> >in tone color. It still sounds like a freakin' oboe.
> >
> >Oh sure . . . I can tell the F scale is a half step HIGHER (not LOWER)
> >the E scale when rendered on an oboe - but that's a difference in pitch.
> >me, the tone color is the same.
> >
> >Please tell me what I'm missing here.
> >
> >Respectfully requested,
> >
> >Bill "tin ear" Gunter
> >jazzboard at hotmail.com
>** Dan Augustine -- Austin, Texas -- ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
>** "Education, n. That which discloses to the wise and disguises from
>** from the foolish their lack of understanding." -- Ambrose Bierce
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