[Dixielandjazz] Invading Russia

billsharp sharp-b at clearwire.net
Thu Nov 16 06:36:19 PST 2006

Wiggins -- -If you invite washboards. then that would be an invasion, 
not a visit.  Have you notified proper authorities and asked for 
diplomatic immunity ( or at least get a military escort) for such an 
invasion?  Actually , I've heard that the Russian people are fascinated 
by the fast rubbing of metal on metal, for the same reason that people 
go to the auto races, it's with a morbid notion that sparks will fly, 
and the player may go up in spontaneous combustion, especially during 
the winter months, when it's so frickin' cold!  (Oh wait a minute. I 
get it - - that's why you actually want that many washboardists, which 
means that you probably will not be returning with as many as you go 
abroad with)

As an aside,  to the "stupid instruments" inventions, why not include 
the "waxabone", where you attach a wax rag to the slide of a trombone, 
then take it outside and practice (that in itself often being a unique 
concept for many OKOM players) while standing next to your vehicle, 
positioning the slide over the vehicle.  Thus, while you play, you wax 
your car.! !   You could also charge people for doing this, thus 
possibly earning more money as a trombone player than you usually would 
over the course of a year.  Next:  A way to make use of the spit from 
spit valves . . . . .

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