[Dixielandjazz] Re: Anachrhronic Jazz Band

Gary Kiser gary at kiser.org
Fri May 12 06:15:11 PDT 2006

Bill Haesler wrote:

>. . . as I have had the 2-CD from when it first came out, as a
>replacement for the original LP . . .

I know way too many French musicians that would give up their right lip 
for a copy of that cd box.  How does an Aussi come up with one?  From my 
understanding, there are less than 5000 in existence.

As for helping getting those big ol' files (audio and image) down onto 
your computers, I recommend 'right-clicking' on the links and choosing 
'Save Target As . . .' or something like that.  You will then be asked 
where to store the file.  Create a folder someplace and put all files 
there.  Right clicking works on Windows with all browsers, but I don't 
know about on a Mac; but, it should work.

All the images (except the box front and back covers) are the same size 
1400 x 2800.  Use any image viewer or editor (I use Paint Shop Pro for 
editor and ACDSee for viewer) to open a file.  Print the file without 
modification choosing to print in landscape, center the image on the 
page and scale the image so it is 12cm tall.  As the images are the same 
size, if they are all centered on the page and scaled the same amount, 
you can print on both sides (paired as I indicated) of each sheet to put 
the book together.  Of course, you'll have to cut the images down to the 
size of a CD book, but I'm sure you all figured that out.

I was expecting more comments on the AJB.  Who likes what they did??  
Enough to add tunes like that to your band(s)?  Who didn't care for them??

All the best to all, Gary

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