[Dixielandjazz] European Chords

Bruce Stangeland stangeland at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 26 14:56:09 PST 2006


My music program, Finale, has about 8 options for how to do chord symbols.
Here are 5 of their choices.

What were the specific chords that you couldn't interpret?

Bruce Stangeland
Berkeley banjoist

American:       C  Db   D  Eb  E  F  Gb    G  Ab  A  Bb  B
European:       C  Db    D  Eb  E  F  Gb    G  Ab  A  Bb  B(natural sign)
German:         C  Des  D  Es  E  F  Ges  G  As  A   B   H
Solfeggio:      Do Ra   Re Me Mi Fa Se  So  Le  La  Te Ti
Scandinavian: C  Db   D   Eb  E  F  Gb   G   Ab  A   Bb  H


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:42:50 -0500
From: "Craig I. Johnson" <civanj at adelphia.net>
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] European chord symbols
To: "Dixieland Jazz Mailing List" <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Message-ID: <006101c621f8$4a707d90$6801a8c0 at satchmo>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="Windows-1252"

Does anyone have a cheat sheet for interpreting European chord symbols found
in jazz?
(Actually a couple I've seen might not even be known to me in American
I'm trying to interpret some of the symbols from the "Anthologie des Grilles
de Jazz".
-- and the ones I'm talking about are not covered in the explanatory pages
in the front.

Craig Johnson 

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