[Dixielandjazz] Sacramento Jubilee Promo flyers

Williams, Bob robert.c.williams at eds.com
Tue Nov 22 07:51:27 PST 2005

I am currently maintaining the sacjazz.com website, and your requests
for Jubilee promo have been coming to me.

As I have an attenuated salivary system and consequent inability to lick
stamps, I am asking that you make your requests for Jubilee promo to
Tressa Connor at tressa_connor at yahoo.com.hk.  She works at the jazz
office where they have an expensive self-salivating stamp licking

I have already forwarded the requests that have come in, so there's no
need to resend.

Bob Williams
Trombonist Extraordinaire and 
The Worlds's Most Modest Man
Oh and Webmaster of sacjazz.com
mailto:slushpump1 at comcast.net

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