[Dixielandjazz] Re: Dazzled or unimpressed?

Elazar Brandt jazzmin at actcom.net.il
Mon Jun 13 23:00:21 PDT 2005

Amen, Pat!

People are allowed to like what they like and dislike what they dislike. Friends
make fun of me because when they come over or call I always have trad jazz
playing, or seem to. Actually I have started a brass ensemble lately and I'm
listening a little more to types of pop and light classical music that would be
suitable for us to perform. But the bottom line is for me that I want to listen
to music that makes me feel good, music that energizes. Why listen to music that
brings us down, much less pay for it?

There is a fellow here in Israel who is an excellent singer/songwriter. He plays
on the same folk music club circuit where I perform a lot. I have been impressed
with his ability both to craft a song and to execute it -- and I do mean
execute. His songs are so dark and depressing, and he does them so well, that I
leave the place feeling like I should jump in front of a very large truck, or
slit my wrists. Do I want to feel like that? Not very often.

It's already a given that I don't choose to hear modern jazz voluntarily. But a
couple of our local alleged Dixieland bands actually play a more bebop/modern
jazz style, using the New Orleans standards as excuses for the solos. Before the
first chorus is over, you already forgot what tune they're playing, and it seems
that they have too, until ten minutes or so later, after everyone has had 2
solos, they come back to the last half of an out chorus. You don't leave with
anything to hum, nothing to dance to. I prefer seeing my audiences walk away
whistling tunes we played, with a little extra spring in their steps.

A friend of mine had a great idea after observing my Doctor Jazz band in action
downtown. Photograph people as they approach, long faces, dragging themselves up
the street. And then photograph them again when they get to the band, or as they
are leaving, with big smiles, dancing, etc. Then make an ad with before and
after photos. Sounds like a winner to me. And I don't mind if anyone else tries
the idea, as long as you're not in Israel!  :-)

Well, in short, people should be entitled to their preferences. I only require
that they have thought about it and have arguable reasons to defend their like
of something I detest, to prove to me that they have not simply eaten what's
been shoved down their throats by the radio and MTV and recording industries.
Now point me at those people who don't like OKOM...

Blessings to all,

Doctor Jazz Band
Tekiya Trumpet Ensemble
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972-2-679-2537

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Cooke [mailto:amazingbass at cox.net]
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 9:17 PM
> To: dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
> Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Re: Dazzled or unimpressed?
> We are all unique.  Our likes and dislikes are rarely exactly like
> someone else's.  I don't put down everybody who doesn't agree with me, just
> the ones who insist I agree with them.
>          Pat Cooke

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