[Dixielandjazz] ISPs

John Farrell stridepiano at tesco.net
Mon Jun 13 00:09:13 PDT 2005

Tito wrote :
"I sent a message to your e-mail address, but it's blocked."

To which Jim O'Briant replied :

"Tito, that may be because your ISP, [ terra.com.br ], is notorious around
the world for harboring spammers and allowing spammers to send or relay
messages, unrestricted, through their servers.  My ISP also trapped your
message as spam, solely because it blocks all email from [ terra.com.br ]".

A few days ago I received a message from somebody, his ISP is lafn (which
apparently means Los Angeles something-or-other). My reply to him was
blocked with an accompanying comment that his ISP did not like mine, so as I
was anxious to  get my reply to my correspondent I asked several friends
(with different ISPs) to forward it to him.

Nobody has yet succeeded in doing so, all messages to that ISP bounce. Is
there any solution to annoying problems like this without resorting to snail

Jazz content - Errol Garner's Bounce With Me.

John Farrell

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