[Dixielandjazz] Sacramento etc

Ken Gates keng at iswest.com
Tue Jun 7 09:00:34 PDT 2005

Catching up on lots of email after replacing my old venerable computer
after long and faithful service.

I can only give kudos, plaudits, and joyous acclaim for the musicians,
volunteers,  organizers, and all who had anything to do with the jubilee.
This was our 11th straight-----what a great way to spend four days in May.

We stay pretty much at the Sacramento Inn.  When we did travel, we found
the shuttle service to be fast, friendly, and efficient.  Being that I have 
joy at hearing trad and the more "modern" sound of the all-stars, that is 
ideal venue.  Naturally, I couldn't see every group that I wanted to hear---
had to miss Pearl Django, for example--love that group.

Some highlights for me-----
Grand Dominion with the return of Bob Jackson---how they did swing.
Sac-a-Pulse----entertaining---and fine musicians too.
Midiri Brothers---oh my--how can it get better that this?
Harry Allen----tenor sax is not my favorite instrument---but the way he
plays it makes me a believer!!  What a beautiful tone---and great note
selection to boot.  And ALL the all-stars---what terrific musicians----
the rhythm sections provide such a swingin' platform to play against.

And marvelous weather too.

Someone asked about Golden Eagles.   Just saw/heard them at the San Clemente
festival.  Some personnel changes---but they sounded just fine---very fine 
Dave Dolson now on reeds.  And a young lady on trombone--Martha Catlin---(I 
I have her name right)---was terrific!

I certainly hope the Sac Jubilee did well financially--what a treasure.

Ken Gates 

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