[Dixielandjazz] Larry's Back

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Fri Aug 26 02:36:47 PDT 2005

Larry wrote:
Coming home on the plane the woman in front of me screached at me to not put
my carryon in the compartment because she had her french horn there.  I told
her sorry I had just converted it to a cornet.  She failed to see the humor
of it all.

I'm surprised she didn't recognize you as being musically knowledgeable by
your comment & strike up a conversation with you!  Anyway, maybe it was
better she didn't, going by her reaction to your opening the compartment.

I've found returning (to the U.S.) Americans to be really difficult on
planes.  I prefer the foreign carriers to the cultural shock of mounting a
U.S. flag carrier where the ratio of Americans tends to be higher.  Even the
crewmembers seem very brash after the way service people behave in Europe
(or at least in Spain).  Once I said "Miss" to a U.S.stewardess as she was
going up the aisle of the plane.  She turned and shouted at me "can't you
see I'm busy?"   A real shocker!

The greatest line is when a returning to the States American takes a sip of
that awful brew they make on the airlines and says "finally, a proper cup of
coffee!"  I've heard it over & over.  That's after they've been in "coffee
heaven" for their whole vacation (if they were in Spain).

Come on over (take a foreign carrier for a nice segue from U.S. to Europe
culture), have some good coffee & come hear our band.  Better yet, call me
first & I'll join you all for coffee.   

Cheers, Jim

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