[Dixielandjazz] Re: JASS IS DEAD?

DWSI at aol.com DWSI at aol.com
Thu Aug 18 05:50:46 PDT 2005

Any thoughts out there on this idea? While talking with a New York producer  
of young talent (Buring Records, they do under 20 bands only) I asked him 
where  he thought jazz was going. His answer: Jazz is dead. I think he meant it 
wasn't  going anywhere anymore. Strangely, I felt relieved. He also knows I love 
Dixie  and Rag and asked me to play for him (probably a kindness afforded my 
advanced  age). But when you think about it, "Jazz," has come down to a very 
restricted  set of songs, chords, styles and none of it is OKOM. I much prefer 
to be free  from that anchor and just play Dixie and Ragtime. Am I crazy?
Dan Spink

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