[Dixielandjazz] Focal Dystonia

Peter Sr. De Bruyn peterdebruyn at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 13:33:28 PDT 2005

Dear listmembers,
 Focal dystonia is a general name for a large neuromuscular syndtome that 
can affect almost any particular muscular group.
So every single form should be considered apart.
 ¨Peter De Bruyn Sr
 PS : Practically every musician in my band, existing for some 20 years now, 
has developped a particular for of focal dystonia, in our case the so called 
"pneumatic oesophagus". We presume the cause is the high quality of our 
Belgian beer !!

 2005/8/7, Steve barbone <barbonestreet at earthlink.net>: 
> I'm with Charlie Hooks, nobody seems to know what the cure for focal
> dystonia is. But then Dr. Flores said "may" be the best cure, not "is".
> I have a trombone playing/music school teaching buddy here in Philadelphia
> who became afflicted 3 years ago and had to give up the slip horn.
> However, he switched to Clarinet and is progressing nicely on it. So 
> perhaps
> the best cure for trombone focal dystonia is switching to clarinet? :-) 
> VBG.
> Cheers,
> Steve Barbone
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