[Dixielandjazz] San Diego - Ringwald's request

Steve barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 23 06:26:51 PDT 2005

"Robert S. Ringwald" <robert at ringwald.com>
> I may have a gig near La Mesa, CA.  I got a price from Motel 6 in La Mesa.
> My question is,
> Is La Mesa a decent area?  In other words, would we be safe, staying in that
> area.
> I understand that A couple other towns nearby are Santee & El Cajon.  How
> are those areas?


None of those areas are safe. They are filled with doddering old retired
folks who prey upon hard working OKOM musicians. You are apt to catch all
sorts of disease from them like Arterial Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and an
unnatural desire to group exercise in a pool.

They also request "hep" songs like "Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinners",
"You're Bound To Look Like A Monkey When You Get Old" and "Doin' The
Raccoon" (which they think is a double entendre song about a sex act)

If I were you, I would cancel the gig. ;-) VBG

Steve Barbone

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