[Dixielandjazz] Next Time - Elect a Tuba Player!

david richoux tubaman at batnet.com
Fri Feb 20 12:27:11 PST 2004


Kerry's electric rock'n'roll past

> First, we had Bill Clinton on saxophone. Now, prepare yourselves for 
> Senator John Kerry on bass guitar.
>  Yes, more than 40 years ago, the man who hopes to be the Democratic 
> nominee for US president played bass in a rock'n'roll band.
>  The band was forged in 1961 while Mr Kerry was a pupil at the 
> exclusive St Paul's prep school in New Hampshire.
>  They called themselves The Electras, and recorded their only album in 
> the school's basement.
>  It is the first rock album ever recorded by a serious candidate for 
> the Oval Office, according to the Washington Post.
>  A copy, one of only 500, recently sold on eBay in the US for over 
> $2,500...
(there is more - including a short sound clip...)

Dave Richoux

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