[Dixielandjazz] RE: hi from Tim Laughlin

Alberto Martino tmartino at terra.com.br
Sun Feb 8 17:53:55 PST 2004

Hi List Mates

Regarding the enquiry by Steve  <<<List Mates-Quick question: Has Tim
Laughlin's band played at, or been invited to play at many OKOM
Festivals, outside of New Orleans in the USA or worldwide? Cheers, Steve

I received the following mail from Tim: 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<-----Original Message-----
From: timjazz at bellsouth.net [mailto:timjazz at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2004 14:04
To: Tito Martino
Subject: hi from Tim Laughlin

Hi Tito,
Great to hear from you, my friend. I had lost your e mail in my old beat
up computer, but now I'm up and running again. 
I'm doing well here in New Orleans. My new CD is getting some attention.
It won best CD by a Louisiana artist for traditional jazz in 2003. It's
an all originals CD. It's nice when people start requesting the songs I
wrote. I'd like to send you a copy. I think you will like it. Can
you send me your mailing address?
I do remember our jam night at the club. That was a special memory. We
were all speaking one language and completely understanding each other.
The concert at the theatre was memorable, as well. I can't recall if we
went on first you was it you? It doesn't matter.  
I'd love to make it back to S. America very soon. I'll be spending some
time in Europe this summer, both in June and July. Perhaps in August
through December, we can set up something. Are there many festivals and
club dates in the area? We can discuss this on a later date. Put it to
some thought.
Again, thanks for the note and forwarding the DJML.
your friend in new Orleans,
Tim Laughlin>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I'll stay in contact with Tim and inform the List any news regarding his
possible next tour to S.America.

Tito Martino
Sao Paulo Brazil 

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