[Dixielandjazz] Cut & Paste on Recordings

Bigbuttbnd at aol.com Bigbuttbnd at aol.com
Mon Feb 2 08:21:52 PST 2004

Okay, Steve... I'm not gettin' on ya', I'm just havin' fun with ya'!

barbonestreet at earthlink.net writes:
<< Therefore, any change, especially on a live album, is a somewhat dishonest 
change. Is it closer to changing what a person said in a "speech". More like 
changing Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" to " I did have sex 
with that woman". Or like changing "Iraq has weapons of Mass destruction (Jan 
22, 2003, Bush) to Iraq may have weapons of Mass Destruction.  Or Churchill's "I 
have nothing to offer but blood tears and
sweat" to "I have nothing to offer." >>

Okay... we're splittin' hairs here... BUT.... I specifically addressed NOT 
changing the original idea in my post. Compared to the examples you listed above 
my example would be more like John F. Kennedy saying "Ask not what your 
country can do for you, ask [cough] what you can do for your country." The cough 
was not intended, and the removal of it does not change the intention or meaning 
of the speech... if anything, the cough serves as a distraction to the 
speech. If somone in your audience shouted an audible obscenity in between numbers 
on your last recording would you hesitate to remove it before pressing 1000 CDs?

Now, admittedly, speaking directly to the examples you gave... I don't have a 
problem with that, either (although that's NOT what I was talking about). If 
somone wants to create a 'virtual' performance with computer enhanced audio or 
video or whatever.... it's fine with me. If it's done well and interesting 
I'm OK with it. I've done a lot of recording, virtual, midi-sequenced, digital 
audio, analog... you name it. I've tried it all and experimented with just 
about everything out there in an effort to gain expertise in all of those 
techniques. And I've done a lot of Dixieland recording as well. I've always felt that 
using some of the techniques that are more common in other forms of recorded 
music can be advantageous from a standpoint of technique, time saving and money 
saving in a Dixieland session. As a producer of a variety of types of 
entertainment I have been most concerned with presenting a package that represents 
'my view' (as the presenter) of that package. I guess if I were working on a 
project that's main goal was to catalog and preserve an event exactly as it 
happened then I would shift gears and authenticity would become my focal point. 
Other than in that circumstance I would not hesitate to change whatever needed to 
be changed to incorporate 'my view' of a production that was 'my idea' in the 
first place.

Well that was 2 long paragraphs to say "you're comparing apples to 
orangutans... oops!... oranges"
~Rocky Ball

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