[Dixielandjazz] "User unknown" when posting

Robert Smith robert.smith at mitransport.no
Thu Aug 19 12:31:58 PDT 2004

Hello Warren

I can think of two possible reasons for your messages being rejected. The first is one or more spurious hidden characters in the address as sent, or the second is that you have a virus on your computer.

To eliminate the first possibility, do the following:
- open a new E-mail window
- using the left button on your mouse, mark the following address, including both asterisks. This address has been copied directly from my address book:
 *dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com*
- hold down the Ctrl button and hit the letter C once
- reopen the new e-mail window and click into the top address field
- hold down the Ctrl button and hit the letter V once.
- if the address now appears, press the End button and then delete backwards until you reach the 'm' in 'com'
- press the Home button and 'Delete' the first asterisk
- fill out 'Subject' and your name in the message area and send the message.

If this doesn't help, then I suspect you have a virus which you need to get rid of.

Incidently it would be interesting to know if you have problems with any other addresses, and if so what they have in common with the dixieland address.




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