[Dixielandjazz] God's Instrument - harp dept.

Richard Broadie richard.broadie at gte.net
Sun Sep 21 12:12:36 PDT 2003

What about the trad harp for consideration?  Okay, it doesn't swing (under
most circumstances) and it isn't loud.   I still want to learn how to play
one if it's the only gig in town.  Dick B

Shall we list swingin' harp players.   I did a few gigs with the late Adele

It seems appropriate to cite our own Don Ingle on this thread from the

Don Ingle dingle at baldwin-net.com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 13:27:41 -0400


I would nominate the harp (as thhe most difficult dixieland instrument to
learn). If you can't chew gum and walk at the same time,
the harp is not for you.It uses both hands and two feet to play, the
chromatics made by shifting
pedals with the feet while plucking melody and chords with both hands.
Now before someone raised the obvious that this is about OKOM, let me say
that I had to pleasure to work in Aspen 1960 with Joe Marsala and his wife
Adele Gerard who played both classical and swing style harp. I would also
note the late Bobby Maxwell who amazed many jazz players with his ability to
not only play the hell out of the harp, but swing big time.
The hand and feet coordination, the ability to litterly play the equivalent
of a piano's innards standing up sideways and doing with fingers what the
hammers on the piano does to make the notes is awesome.
And it is the loveliest sound you'll ever hear this side of heaven -- or on
the other.
Don Ingle

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jan Nichols" <hotjazzcornet at earthlink.net>
To: "DJML" <Dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] God's Instrument

> I guess I need to straighten you folks out before this thread goes any
totally off base.
> Yes, God can play every instrument.  We all know that.  Bill, He even
plays a banjo that you can enjoy!  However, when God wants our attention,
the clouds part and bands of angels play on what
instrument...........trumpet.  Somehow, I can't imagine the Second Coming
being announced by angels playing washboards or banjos.  Perhaps our 1st
cousin the trombone might be appropriate, but certainly not  that instrument
of the Devil invented by Mr. Saxe. With all due respect to Flip, when God
wants prelude music for some grand event, he won't use a saxophone quartet!
> As I tell my trumpet students:  On Judgement Day, won't be any   wimpy
trumpet  playing!
Blow, Gabriel, Blow!
> Jan Nichols
> Old Town Jazz Band
> San Jacinto, CA
> hotjazzcornet at earthlink.net
> Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
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