[Dixielandjazz] Re: DJML F2F/BMP goods, DLML/DJML buttons

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Sun May 18 14:06:33 PDT 2003

>From: RAHBerry at aol.com
>Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 13:54:49 EDT
>Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] DJML F2F/BMP
>Will any of these goods be available at the F2F?
>Rae Ann
     And does anyone still have any of the DLML or DJML buttons?  If 
so, there are probably some who might want one (especially the 
coveted, rare, collectable, and extremely valuable DLML button).

**  Dan Augustine     Austin, Texas     ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu  **
**       "Now, everyone look like you're having fun. Only don't."     **
**                             --Lawrence Welk                        **

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