[Dixielandjazz] Re: Wake up, DJML!

RAHBerry at aol.com RAHBerry at aol.com
Sat May 3 11:50:26 PDT 2003

Jack and All,
The Strictly Dixie LP which I have by the Basin Street Six, mentions only the 
leader, George Girard, trumpet.  It was generally known that Pete Fountain 
was on the LP.  After about 50 years of not knowing who else was on it, Bill 
Haesler told me the rest:
Joe Rotis tb, Roy Zimmerman p, Bunny Franks sb, and Charlie Duke d.
The  tunes were recorded in 1951.  There were two 10" LPs.  Later LP MG20151 
which was 12" was produced.
In 1956 George Girard died at age 26 of, I think, colon cancer.
Rae Ann

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