[Dixielandjazz] Vale Dave Dallwitz
Bill Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 26 00:43:50 PST 2003
Hello Listmates,
Sorry to read Bill Haesler's obit of jazz musician and composer Dave
Dallwitz. According to the birthday Bill provided Dave had to be around 89
years old.
I never met Dave but we certainly know of him here in the Cell Block 7 Jazz
Band. One of our favorite tunes in our repertoire is Cinderella Girl and we
play it often.
He's the kind of jazz musician I can really admire . . . lived to a ripe old
age, made wonderful music and left a legacy of tunes played around the world
in OKOM circles!
RIP Dave!
Bill Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com
>From: "Bill Haesler" <bhaesler at nsw.bigpond.net.au>
>To: Australian-dance-bands at egroups.com, dixieland jazz mail list
><dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
>CC: Jack Mitchell <fjmitch at lisp.com.au>, Jack Litchfield
><2jlitchfield at rogers.com>, Nevill Sherburn <swaggie at ihug.com.au>, Bill
>Armstrong <bilarm at bigpond.com>
>Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Vale Dave Dallwitz
>Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:02:44 +1100
>Dear friends,
>The sad news is that pioneer jazzman (famed artist, bandleader, tbn, pno,
>composer, arranger) died suddenly at home (Adelaide SA)on Monday night 24
>2003, of a heart attack, while watching the Academy Awards.
>Out thoughts are with his long-time friend/wife, Joan Dallwitz and their
>Dave (who was born on 25 Oct 1914) was as active as ever and last week was
>busily organising his famed big band for the Australian Jazz Convention in
>Forbes (Dec 2003), and an Anglicare fund-raising event.
>My dear friend, Dave, always had a 100 things to do.
>And managed to do them.
>He will be known to the worldwide 'jazz family' for his countless jazz
>compositions, including the celebrated "Cinderella Girl'.
>Kind regards,
>Herewith an extract from the notes I wrote for the CD 'The Famous Wilco
>Sessions' (still available).
>They are specific to the Southern Jazz Group and in no way cover the many
>activities of this extraordinary man.
>The Southern Jazz Group.
>In May 1950 the Southern Jazz Group travelled by train, via Melbourne, from
>Adelaide to Sydney, and back, for their last series of engagements. They
>announced their retirement and Dave Dallwitz, anxious to preserve the
>sound, had organised Sydney recording dates with WILCO and Parlophone.
> This important Adelaide jazz band came out of a 1945 rehearsal group and
>a working unit later that year using some members of Malcolm Bills¹ band to
>the Southern Jazz Group. For about six months both bands existed side by
>until Bills¹ dissolved his group to continue university studies.
> In 1946 Dave Dallwitz became leader of the Southern Jazz Group which by
>had adopted a 1920s classic jazz style. In December 1946 they attended the
>Australian Jazz Convention in Melbourne, playing to a small, but
>audience of dedicated jazz musicians and delegates. Their original approach
>traditional jazz developed and by 1948 they were one of Australia¹s leading
> They toured regularly interstate for concerts and the Jazz Convention and
>recorded regularly between 1947 and 1949 for Bill Holyoak¹s Memphis label.
>was Holyoak who arranged the recording date at Adelaide¹s ABC studios, from
>which the first WILCO release (0-100) ³Smokey Mokes² - ³Red Hot Henry
>came. An acetate of the two titles was sent to Ron Wills while he was
>working at
>J Stanley Johnson¹s music store. With this initial disc WILCO was formed.
>It was
>a big seller nationally and was re-pressed several times.
> The final May-June 1950 tour by the Southern Jazz Group (augmented with
>Monsbourgh) was a momentous affair. The week in Sydney was hectic. They
>seven titles for WILCO on Monday, 29 May, at the ARC studios then took part
>in a
>Celebrity Jazz Parade at Sydney Town Hall with local modern bands. Two days
>later, as Dusty Rhodes and His Jackeroos. they recorded four Œcountry¹
>sides for
>the Rodeo label. On Thursday, 1 June, the band put down six original tunes
>Parlophone and that night appeared, with the Jack Brockensha Quartet and
>Duff, at Bill McColl¹s Battle For Jazz concert at the Assembly Hall. In
>to private parties, they also played a dance at Paddington Town Hall,
>on Friday, but we lack details.
> On their return through Melbourne the front-line members of the Southern
>Group joined Graeme Bell¹s big band on a record date for Swaggie. On
>they were the guest band at the Maison DeLuxe Jazz Club and were given a
>tremendous final ovation. Thus ended the career of a great pioneer
>jazz band. For over four years the Southern Jazz group had been Adelaide¹s
>premier jazz band, popular with local and regional audiences and
>instrumental in
>converting many younger Adelaide musicians to jazz.
> Dave Dallwitz formed a new Southern Jazz Group for local engagements and
>broadcasts (highlighting original Australian jazz compositions), but they
>disbanded in mid 1951 and Dave left the jazz scene until 1972.
>Dixielandjazz mailing list
>Dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
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