[Dixielandjazz] Fw: How to Kill Orchestras

Nickdragos at cs.com Nickdragos at cs.com
Sun Jun 29 13:55:42 PDT 2003

Dear Stan,

It is my opinion that when young people are exposed to quality in the arts, 
some of them develop a taste and even a desire to buck the pop trend of the 
moment and stick with art that has shown enduring quality.

Besides that life-changing & enhancing experience, the greatest joy I get 
from my 20+ year participation in the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee is watching little 
people learn to dance to the various styles presented...they stomp away, they 
dance, they smile, and, even at 3 or 4 years of age, they soak it in...perhaps 
setting the stage for Jubilee 2025, eithe as performer or fan.

This is why Pete Hamill, who I normally never agree with, is correct in 
titling his recent tome "Why Sinatra Matters". Sinatra's artistry transcends time, 
transcends {in most cases} politics, sometimes even transcends the deep and, 
in some cases never-ending, political/personal hatreds that swarm around the 
complete F.S. personna.

It's true with Bach & Beethoven, Scott Joplin, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis A.,  
and so many others....a quality that shines to the point of glowing within US.

In the OKOM world, there are many artists who reach this kind of plateau 
within the genre...some of my picks include Waller, Bechet, Teagarden, and quite a 
few others....perhaps I feel a thread coming on, but I'd like to know who you 
think makes it to this level for you!

Thanks for sharing!

Nick Dragos, Sacramento, California
NickDragos at cs.com

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