[Dixielandjazz] Re:was: Simultaneous Appearances And Fraud/ new
TCASHWIGG at aol.com
TCASHWIGG at aol.com
Sun Jul 13 02:10:01 PDT 2003
In a message dated 7/12/03 1:32:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
jazz_man at ix.netcom.com writes:
> So, we went to a wedding. I had been out of the music scene
> for about 15 years. The band played "Sept. In The Rain."
> I was intrigued. The Shearing Quintet recording exact.
> I asked the keyboard player "How did you do that"?
> His reply: I sequenced it this morning.
> "Not likely" I thought. I knew nothing of midi nor electronic
> music. Never even heard of Karioke. (Please forgive the spelling).
> =======
Now folks and all you unemployed and underemployed musicians read this post
very carefully.
Herein lies the demise of Jazz, bands, arrangers, big bands, who the author
admits to rehearsing with, Not performing any paying gigs with.
Electronics, and midi have replaced all of us, samples, and editing on this
fabulous new invention the home computer.
Folks we have finally outsmarted ourselves.
I used to own and try to operate a first class recording studio with
$500.000.00 worth of sophisticated recording equipment, and woke up one morning and
found that the technology world had found a way to put the same capability into
the hands of average consumers for about $500.00. Now you still had to go to
a manufacturing company to make records or CDs or mass produced cassettes to
Through the blessing of modern technologies we can now do it all on a
computer in our studio apartment or garage or maybe even in the back of our motor
home or van if we have a wireless connection. Record it mix it midi in any thing
we want, print out charts from anybody's CD and play them back with midi
instruments and remix them and rerecord them as original arrangements and
recordings, print the labels, burn the CDs, print the inserts, buy a few plastic jewel
cases and we have replaced everyone in the chain of making music.
Hell we can even play duets with Louis Armstrong and sell a million copies of
it through the science of modern technology. Ain't it nice that musicians
have gotten so smart.
Now the best marketplace we have for our music is MUSAK or selling a few
copies to the DJs who are booking all the gigs we used to play and rather than
hiring live bands they play our CDs and charge as much money as we used to make
for performing live.
Then to add insult to injury they are now frequently manufacturing and
selling copies of our CDs as their own favorite songs with their name and pictures
all over them as if they had anything to do with it. They book themselves out
at shopping centers and such while selling the shopping center advertising on
the radio station in a "package" that includes an in person appearance by the
DJ at the shopping center or Night club where they brazenly sell these damned
CDs and pocket the money.
These sophisticated nightclub owners that used to hire you guys now just buy
advertising and get a DJ to show up at the club and sell CDs of everybody's
music, they don't have to pay for a band and the punters who listen to the radio
station are duped into coming out to meet the CELEBRITY RADIO Personality
like it is the party of the year. They pay a cover charge to get in and hear the
same crap they just heard for free all day long on the radio show for free.
Now this is what should be upsetting us.
Tom Wiggins
Saint Gabriel's Celestial Brass Band and stuff.
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