[Dixielandjazz] chords on "I'm Comin'"?

Dave Gravatt dave at creolejazz.com
Sat Jul 12 12:14:04 PDT 2003


I so much appreciate your feedback. You are exactly right. When I asked for
the chords for the first measure of "I'm Comin Virginia", I meant the first
full measure, not the pickups into the first measure. Although, "thank you"
to all who responded to my request --- even if you gave me the chords for
the pickup measure. :-)

Likewise, I appreciate your info regarding the chords in the first full
measure. The responses to requests for chords are always so interesting to
me. I'll usually get six to eight replies and, invariably, no two responses
are alike.

For whatever anal reason, I really like to use the right chords when playing
this music I love and respect so much. When searching for the correct chords
(which, to me, means the chords originally intended by the composer), I do a
lot of listening on www.redhotjazz.com. I discovered (as many on this list
have too, no doubt) that the various bands that recorded songs in the 20s &
30s used different chords on a given song. (Not just for "I'm Comin", but on
lots of songs.) Sometimes, I'm sure, different chords were used deliberately
to help a band have a unique sound or a unique arrangement. Other times,
it's quite obvious that bands (or some members of the band) did not even
KNOW the chords. I probably listened to five different recordings of "I'm
Comin' Virginia" and all of them used slightly different chord changes. I
suppose I shouldn't be surprised -- after all, it is jazz. But I did find it

Anyway, thanks for the Virginia feedback. I'm going with your version
because that's what Bix plays.


The Creole Dixieland Jazz Band
"It's a treat to beat your feet"
Springfield, Missouri
http://www.CreoleJazz.com and

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick Sleeman" <d.sleeman at hccnet.nl>
Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] chords on "I'm Comin'"?

As always, when discussions about chords take place, I am deeply interested
and want to join in. So, here goes: IMHO the two answers, stated by Burt and
Wim however correct, do not cover the question. Dave inquired after THE
FIRST MEASURE and not the lead-in measure, isn't it, Dave?

According to my leadsheet (1927, Robins Music Corporation) the chords in the
first measure should be:

F F7 Fdim Bbm6/F  (all four counts with an F as bass).

(these are the descending chords Burt refers to, Heywood's way, not

Dave's next question was about which notes the tuba or the bass should play
and again IMHO they COULD play here:

F A Ab G \ F ...  or: F Eb D Db \ C ... or (off course) F F F F \ F.

(definitely NOT:  F A Bb B , what I hear a lot, because the last B
interferes with the Bbm6 chord!)


Dick Sleeman, Lelystad, Holland.

<d.sleeman at hccnet.nl>

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