[Dixielandjazz] (no subject)

fred spencer drjz at bealenet.com
Mon Jul 7 13:39:48 PDT 2003

Dear Pam,
You are absolutely correct. The 1944 movie was  "Twilight On The 
Prairie" which "was about a cowboy band stranded in Texas, featuring 
Jack Teagarden  in a leading role as well as appearing with his big band 
in three numbers." (from David Meeker,"Jazz In The Movies", 1981). The 
"Index" lists more than 50 pages in which the name of Jack Teagarden is 
mentioned. The only book I know of is Smith, Jay D. and Gutrtridge, Len. 
"Jack Teagarden, The Story of a Maverick" London, Cassell, 1960. viii, 
208 pp., illus. Meeker's book is the standard work on jazz movies, and 
your local library may well have a copy of both books or could borrow 
them on the Interlibrary Loan  I used to sell books and could perhaps 
find a copy of the biography for you if you wish without any "finder's 
fee", that is I would give you the price quoted by the dealer with no 
obligation to buy. Enjoy London - I am an expatriate "Geordie" but have 
spent some time in the metropolis. With best wishes.
Fred Spencer

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