[Dixielandjazz] Banjos

Charlie Hooks charliehooks at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 21 19:16:01 PST 2003

on 1/21/03 6:13 PM, norrie.thomson at norrie.thomson at btopenworld.com wrote:

> they 'amp' their instruments up to such a volume that they
> take over the band.  Do they really want to be front-line musicians.

It may well be (I'm guessing) that in order to be sufficiently attracted to
the sound of a banjo that one is enticed to learn to play the thing, it
helps to be a bit deaf in front. ;-)  If so, the cranked-up sound can be
forgiven (if not tolerated).   As for the bass amps, the rockers have so far
destroyed musical balance (among other things) that a normal bass volume now
sounds puny.  The audience's ears need retraining--or, perhaps, plugging.


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