[Dixielandjazz] RE: Stanford Marching Band; Rice Owl Band (MOB)

Dan Augustine ds.augustine@mail.utexas.edu
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 14:14:21 -0600

>From: "Williams, Bob" <robert.c.williams@eds.com>
>Subject: [Dixielandjazz] RE: Stanford Marching Band
>Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:08:24 -0600
>The Stanford Marching Band is famous for "The Play," a(n) hilarious incident
>that occurred at the end of the "Big Game" with Cal (Berkeley) in November
>of 1982 - in fact, a Google Search on "Standford Marching Band play" will
>result in some recent write-ups commemorating this event.  Tragically, a
>trombonist was creamed, but he's managed to milk a bit of a career out of it
>I've found a site with a non-streaming Real Audio clip of the famous play,
>at http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cje/.
>As a high school drum major for three years, I abhorred marching band,
>although I did march with the UCLA Bruins for one year.  I agree with Jim
>Beebe, it is an abomination.  I envied the Stanford Band because they
>satirized the institution beautifully.
>Bob Williams
    99.9% of you poor folks have never experienced the Rice University marching band, called the MOB ("Marching Owl Band').  They are even less respectful of marching-band traditions and practices than the Stanford band, and in fact their webpage says:
                  "W E     D O    N O T    M A R C H 
                  (from http://mob.rice.edu/info/)
They saunter (or run) onto and off the field as they feel like it, play jazz at times (see, Somewhat On Topic!), include violins and string basses (on wheeled carts) and other non-standard instruments, and dress in suits with fedoras.  They satirize everything, sometimes with extreme lack of taste (one year after UT had played USC, they outlined a Trojan on the field--a condom, not a soldier).

** Dan Augustine - ds.augustine@mail.utexas.edu             **
** Office of Admissions, University of Texas; Austin, Texas **