[Dixielandjazz] The Roaring Tuskers Strike Again

Will Connelly willc@nova.edu
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 23:07:33 -0500

I was recently pleased to proclaim that the Roaring Tusker Jazz Band,
which I am
honored to lead, will perform in full regalia at an open to the public
event starring former New York Mayor RUDY GUILIANI, who is
campaigning for the reelection of GOVERNOR JEB BUSH.

That much is still true. But we won't be in downtown Fort Lauderdale on
as previously advertised. The event has been moved to SUNDAY, November 3
at 4:30 PM at the Bergeron Rodeo Arena in Davie, Florida, a few miles
of downtown Fort Lauderdale.  This change in time and venue has been
made so
that the Guv hisself can also be in attendance.

The band will still proudly play the Star Spangled Banner straight.
Plus, of
course, America the Beautiful and the ever popular Governor Bush March.

Any listmates in the neighborhood are invited to attend and howdy us.


Will Connelly