[Dixielandjazz] Forward from Leon Oakley

Charlie Hooks charliehooks@earthlink.net
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 21:13:07 -0500

on 10/6/02 12:35 PM, G. William Oakley at gwilliamoakley@earthlink.net

> He is a great guy, someone who always makes a
> band come to life. I am truly sorry for his loss.
> Mike Walbridge lives at: 1118 So. Campbell Ave.
> Wheaton, Il.  60187    phone  (630) 668-4651
> Please forward this message to others who know Mike. I don't have everyone's

    Oh, yes, please do forward.  First I heard, but will find a way.  Mike
Walbridge is such a good player and such a good man that his pain is all of
ours.  There is no better person, surely no better tuba player, in the
entire Chicago area than Mike Walbridge.
