[Dixielandjazz] Re: Wild Mab (was Bird)

Bill Haesler bhaesler@nsw.bigpond.net.au
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 09:06:32 +1100

Dear David,
Leonard Feather incorrectly reported that 'Mad Mab/Wild Mab' was Charlie
Barnet's band nickname, and it seems to have stuck.
It did in fact belong to their guitarist Bus Etri.
The title for the tune "Wild Mab of the Fishpond' was influenced by the name of
a play (Wild Mab) being performed at an Ohio resort hotel where the Barnett band
was playing. Bus Etri fell, or was pushed, into the hotel goldfish pond and the
title was given to a tune broadcast the next night (and subsequently recorded on
17 Sept 1940).  
Kind regards,