[Dixielandjazz] Just how large is the following for OKOM?

Vilcad (Ron Gable) Vilcad \(Ron Gable\)" <vilcad@earthlink.net
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 01:51:18 -0400

Hello listers,

I'm in the process of writing an article on OKOM for a small (30,000
distribution) local paper the Impact Weekly in Dayton, Ohio.  One of the
points I would like to get across in this article is that OKOM has one of
the largest followings of any music in existence today.  I keep posting
festivals and concerts for these events on our website, my wife and I have
gone to as many as we can afford, I keep surfing the web for information on
them and I read most of your messages.  The overall picture that has come to
mind is the number of people going to these events is overwhelming, when
considered on an international basis.  From my observations, I have to say
that I agree with most of what Steve Barbone has been preaching about the
number of people coming to our kind of events.  Is there anyway to take a
census of this kind of information?  Would not this kind of information be a
powerful tool to use in the promotion of OKOM?  I can't, for the life of me,
understand why fans of OkOM should always be running scared.  A while back
there was a number of messages on this list asking why there was so little
critical writing about OKOM events in the media.  Just perhaps we don't feel
in our own minds that we're a force to be reckoned with?  I'm also thinking
that over the years the folks putting on these events have found some good
ways to get the word out to the followers without using conventional media,
such as the American and Mississippi Rags, newsletters from jazz societies
and more recently the Internet.  This type of event advertising is most
likely more cost effective in reaching the faithful, but what about reaching
new people?  A very long-winded request for you help, is there anyway to get
some kind of estimate of just how large the following for OKOM is?

Ron & Rosemary Gable
Jazz Advocates
10790 W. National Road
Brookville, Ohio 45309
(937) 833-4053
Join the Advocate Movement
at www.jazzadvocate.com